segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2024

Aristóteles comunidade sobre bbb All state is a community of some kind, that is every state is a different communal society that comes together though with different background, foundations, basis but with a common goal. All community is founded and established with a view to some good, which means that their focus and pertinent goal is aim at some end and this end centres on some good, reason being that human beings are generally structured to aim at what is good, good in this context is however wide. It is in the nature of every human being to aim at what is good because it will not serve their interest to aim at what is bad. As a political animal, human beings tends to be politically conscious and egoistic in nature, although there are some people that derives their goodness in bad things, for example, a masochist (a person that derives pleasure from pain). Good can be classified into categories as there are highest good. The state or political community aims at good in a greater degree than any other, and at the highest good. The state or political community is the highest good on the basis that every human being is a product of a political community or state and as such they do not exist in isolation. Every good that will be aim at by an individual in the political community will be affected by the totality and the superiority of right of the state over the individual that lives within the state. The peak of the good that can be attained will be the good of the community. For example, a person that shows interest in becoming the governor of a state aim at some good but for this good to become a reality, he must work hand-in-hand with the state or the political community. In other words, the good of the community supersedes an individual good, which makes it possible for the good of the political community or the state to be the highest good. The difference between individual good and the community good is wide because a master that rules over a few is different from a master that rules over more and also different from a manager of a household that rules over a larger number. This difference is wide and pronounced because a great household is different from a small state. However, the structure and the element of the state will determine the type of rule. For example, a monarchical state is different from a federal state, while a presidential state is different from an egalitarian state. Nevertheless, the wide gap and difference still centres on the good that they aim to achieve. The ways in which we view things that leads to clarity of purpose and reality is quite different. Coming together of two opposing views could lead to a union. Mating of male and female animals that b rings about offspring, a desire of both sexes though it is not always a deliberate purpose, but with exposure and interactions with other animals within and outside their domains. Nature really plays a role in what we see or foresee, it is the nature that gives us what our mind picture to us and also by nature our body interprets it. By nature we could differentiate between a master and a slave, though they have the same interest. A master and a slave still remain a person as it does not lead to subordination, degradation or defamation of character as both are not less person. However, among Barbarians there is no distinction between a woman and a slave as nature does not play major role amongst them. Whether slave or master, there should be what we call a family, it is when a couple comes together as a family that it leads to birth of different species, because if there is no birth to new babies there cannot be a slave or a master. (Like a Yoruba adage that says that, there is no category in giving birth, the way a slave is born is also the way a master is born). Different association of families is what leads to a village, what they will be craving for will be more than mere supply of daily needs; the first society that will be formed will be the village. It is when this village is formed with different families that a ruler will be chosen. For example, in the pre- colonial Igbo community, the elders played a prominent role in ruling and governing the community

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